SOL Testing


Charmia Preston

757 727-8576


SOL Testing

What does SOL stand for?

The Standards of Learning (SOL) is a public school standardized testing program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It sets forth learning and achievement expectations for core subjects for grades K-12 in Virginia's Public Schools. The standards represent what many teachers, school administrators, parents, and business and community leaders believe schools should teach and students should learn. The Virginia Department of Education, schools, and school systems routinely receive essential feedback on the effectiveness of implementation and address effective instructional strategies and best practices.

The Standards of Learning is supportive of and direct response to the NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND program, which was signed into law by then-President George W. Bush on January 8, 2002. They address student achievement in four critical areas (1) English, (2) mathematics, (3) science, and (4) history/social science. 


The PSAT will be given to 10th and 11th Graders in school on October 9th. 

ACT & SAT 2024-25