College Admission Links

College Admission Links

College Admissions Help

Web Resources for College Admissions Portal for federal financial aid. Contains numerous booklets, pamphlets and publications providing information about a child’s education at all ages including the college-ready child Contains test calendars, information and preparation opportunities for PSAT, SAT, SAT Subject Tests, AP and CLEP; interactive college, major and career searches; reproducible articles; financial aid calculators and aid comparison tools. This student site contains test calendars, information and preparation opportunities for the ACT. Also has quick links to comprehensive information about the ACT testing experience, a college search and financial aid estimator tools. Contains easy to use searchable databases with reports on student achievement, educational opportunity and graduation rates at any four-year U.S. college or university and examples of high school courses that prepare high school students for college rigor. Contains a students’ financial aid checklist as well as comprehensive information about loans, scholarships, savings, military aid, multiple sources of aid, financial aid applications, calculators and other interactive tools. Professional organization material for the counselor including the Statement of Principles of Good Practice, which delineates the ethics of college admission counseling; Steps to College newsletter reproducible for students and parents; listing of national college fairs. Selected materials offered in Spanish. Contains a variety of scholarship and financial aid information. You can search for scholarships by major or state, enter scholarship contests and find advice on financial aid packages. NextStep Magazine is a great resource for college and career planning while in high school!