PHS Library Media
Phoebus High School Library
The Phoebus High School Library has much to offer our students. A variety of reading materials, a plethora of databases and of course a staff ready to support and work with our students. Take advantage of the many resources available in out library.
Library Hours:
Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 3:30 pm
Mrs. Barefoot Library Tech
Thomas Worrell Teacher Librarian
(757) 727-1022
Library Policies
Students may check out up to three items at a time. Additional resources allowed for students that show they are able to responsibly care for materials.
Students with multiple overdue materials from previous school year should return the items, or pay a fine for lost items prior to checking out new materials.
Students must have a pass from a classroom teacher during instructional time to enter the library.
Students may come to the library during their assigned lunch block to read, check out books, work on computers, or use library materials.
Students may print items for school use only. Please limit to three pages.
Online Sources
PHS Library Tips
Listed below are a few tips for each of the online resources. If you have any questions contact Mrs. Bolt at the PHS Library.
Gale Database:
Database that is provided by Hampton City Schools to our students. If you are accessing from school there is not a password requirement. If you are a Phoebus student accessing from home contact Mrs. Bolt for password information.
Topic Finder is one of the many tools offered as part of several of the Gale databases. Using the "General One File", choose the "Topic Finder" link at the bottom of the page and complete a search.
Resources will appear on the bottom left with links to your options.